- Rifa'iyah (Fraternity of Sufis known in the West as howling dervishes, found primarily in Egypt and Syria and in Turkey until outlawed in 1925)
- Религия: рифаийа
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Rifāʿīyah — ▪ Ṣūfī order fraternity of Muslim mystics (Ṣūfīs), known in the West as howling dervishes, found primarily in Egypt and Syria and in Turkey until outlawed in 1925. An offshoot of the Qādirīyah established in Basra, Iraq, by Aḥmad ar Rifāʿī… … Universalium
Sufism — Sufistic, adj. /sooh fiz euhm/, n. the ascetic and mystical system of the Sufis. Also, Sufiism /sooh fee iz euhm/. [1810 20; SUFI + ISM] * * * Mystical movement within Islam that seeks to find divine love and knowledge through direct personal… … Universalium